
The Borne Method

Language Learning AI
August 8, 2024
Eddie Duszlak

Language Learning with AI

Language immersion, and the conversations that immersion forces us to engage in, is the most effective way to learn a language. This can be seen in different ways, from participating in study abroad experiences to watching toddlers rapidly learn new words. If we want to learn to speak a language, we have to speak it. Yet, there are significant barriers to one-on-one interactions with native speakers for young adults and adults – convenience, accessibility and cost.

While online platforms have attempted to connect language learners with language tutors, these platforms struggle with convenience and accessibility during our busy life phases. With work and other commitments, it is often hard to find a spare hour, especially one that must be pre-scheduled with someone in a different country. Then, there is the lack of comfort we feel with sharing our life details with someone we just met over the Internet. Moreover, the financial cost of engaging with a highly-ranked tutor, which might be $25 an hour, quickly adds up, amounting to $2,500 annually if one were to schedule two sessions a week for a year.

Another challenge for teenage, young adult and adult learners, in contrast to toddlers and children, is the fear of making mistakes. While toddlers and children are less concerned about committing errors and sounding silly when learning something new, we often feel self-conscious and embarrassed as we get older. When learning a new language, mistakes are a key part of the process, and feeling self-conscious can hinder one’s learning process.

Recent research by MIT scientists has shown that adults are actually quite adept at learning new languages, almost on par with children. The primary barrier is not the adult brain but rather the methods traditionally used to teach languages, which often rely heavily on memorization. Unlike children, adults have well-developed cognitive skills that can be leveraged for language learning, but the challenge is that these methods do not align well with how adults are able to learn. Memorization and grammar drills are just not as effective as immersion and conversational practice, yet immersion and conversational practice are often hard to come by in our busy adult lives.

Tim Ferriss, in his conversations with Benny Lewis, the well-known polyglot, also emphasizes the importance of conversational practice over rote memorization, arguing that regular speaking practice is the key to fluency. These findings, supported by both academic research and real-world experiences from language learners, highlight the need for a shift in language learning strategies, moving away from outdated methods and towards immersive, conversation-focused approaches. The good news is that with the right environment and tools, adults can excel in language acquisition. Borne provides this consistent practice in a comfortable, accessible, and affordable format that fits into even the busiest of lifestyles.


As has been extensively discussed in the past year, recent advancements in large language models have changed the way that humans are able to interact with machines, and this will impact a broad range of industries. It should therefore come as no surprise that advancements in language models will impact the language learning industry. We are at the cusp of a significant change in the way that languages are taught and learned by humans.

This is why we are excited to announce the launch of Borne, an AI-powered language learning app. Borne has been designed to serve as a foreign language tutor, guiding you through the language learning process and providing a personalized experience to better help you achieve your goals. Borne is fluent in Spanish, French, English, Italian, Portuguese and German, with new languages to be added in the coming months.

Borne solves for both convenience and accessibility. As a foreign language tutor that is packaged in a mobile app, Borne is always at your service, offering assistance whenever and wherever needed. Borne also significantly reduces the financial barriers to language immersion. With plans starting at just $5.99 per month, Borne democratizes access to top-tier language instruction and authentic immersion experiences.

Borne also addresses the self-consciousness that comes with learning a new language. Our experience using Borne has made it clear that practicing with an Al is less daunting than interacting with another adult. This helps to foster a stress-free and judgment-free learning environment, similar to the natural, unpressured one in which toddlers and children learn new words and languages. This relaxed setting encourages more open and frequent practice, facilitating the acquisition of a new language.

In addition to its AI-powered conversational practice, Borne offers free content that helps users focus on what truly matters. This includes short lessons on the top 100 words in each language. If there are any words to memorize, these should be the ones, as they make up roughly half of everyday speech. Borne also provides engaging 5- to 10-minute podcasts in multiple languages on history, culture, influential people and intriguing places, catering to those with a keen interest in global affairs and the forces that shape our world. These resources are designed to complement your language learning journey, providing a fully immersive experience to help you excel in both speaking and understanding the language you want to learn.

Finally, Borne users are also able to benefit from features that have proven effective in language learning broadly such as SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound – goal setting, coupled with detailed progress tracking. This not only helps to ensure that users remain focused and are able to efficiently reach their language learning objectives, but it also helps to create a customized experience for the user.

The most exciting aspect of Borne is that, just over a year ago, the technology to create an advanced Al language partner like Borne did not exist. Our team’s previous attempts with frameworks like Rasa and BERT fell short of the quality needed for a commercially viable product. Today, the technology is not only here, but its quality is improving rapidly, allowing us to continuously enhance the user experience and push the boundaries of what is possible. It underscores how early we are in this technology’s adoption – weeks and months, not years or decades. Now, with the introduction of Borne, immersive language learning is accessible to everyone, anytime and anywhere.

To give users a taste of this groundbreaking experience, we are offering 10 free minutes of conversational practice in the language of their choice when they download the app.

Download the Borne app in the App Store and Google Play Store, and embark on your language learning journey today. Speak your way to mastery.

5 min read
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